PNY GTX 560 Ti XLR8 OC2 - Lost Planet 2

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Lost Planet 2

Lost Planet 2 is a game produced and developed by Capcom and released from Halifax for PS3, Xbox 360 and PC. It was initially to be released in early 2010, but Capcom has put off the end of 2010. The game is set 10 years after the adventure of Wayne Holden on Lost Planet, and things have changed: Thanks to the efforts of Wayne and his friends, EDN III, the planet where the game is played, he began a slow process terraforming, which has caused a drastic climate change. In fact, if the first 1 in Lost Planet, the planet was only the Arctic, there are now desert areas, areas with dense tropical jungles, areas with warmer climates, etc.. But this has not brought peace, indeed, now that the world is more populated by humans, they are again divided into bands and real snow pirate clans involved a constant and perpetual civil war for control of the planet and 'EN-T, the liquid substance is used by humans as fuel for their technology, both from the Akrid, the indigenous creatures of EDN III, which are a perennial problem for humans as very aggressive and difficult to kill.



Once again the performance is slightly higher than the reference version .
